Sunday, December 18, 2005

From the Vine to the Glass--Sat, Dec 24, 2005

A special guest approached Aimee and I and asked if we would be on his radio show, "From the Vine to the Glass" which airs every Saturday morning from 11-12. This special guest was enjoying a wonderful meal with four of his friends, his best friend Bonnie and four others. This special guest's name is Duane Holmdahl. Duane has the type of demeaner that instantly puts you at ease. He introduced himself and gave us a big hug, just my kind of guy I thought.

Now, even though we have opened up a fabulous bistro that everyone that has come to has enjoyed and thanked us for opening for the community, we are just two regular women who have surrounded themselves with extraordinary staff to accomplish a vision. So when Duane asked for us to be on his show we weren't sure that we could do it. What could we talk about for an hour? Is what we have done really interesting enough for an hour radio show?

We decided that we would bring Matt LaRocco with us in case Duane asked about the cuisine or the menu. Matt talked to Duane about just those things for the first segment with Aimee and I butting in periodically. Then it was our turn. Duane asked us what our vision was and how we came up with it. Well this isn't hard to answer. It has been the question most asked over the last two weeks since we have been opened. How could two women who have never been in the restaurant business before open up such a fabulous place? Well, some of you have heard this a million times and for some new readers this may be the question you have wondered about also. My sister and I wanted to open a business together. We looked at what our strengths were and decided that it had to be in the hosptility field since it was people and our desire to serve them that was our greatest asset. I come from a business background and she comes from a management backround. Now to decide what service/hospitality business to pursue was the easy part, we were drinking it! WINE!! Wine become the core of the idea next came all the details that would exploit our core product, wine. In our opinion there was a shortage of good restaurants with atmosphere. We have several great restaurants in the area that have great food but lack that X factor, ambiance. My husband told me once along the Wine Cottage journey that he was going to build us a restaurant that people would want to come and see and they would stay and then tell their friends.
So as you can see talking about the plans, vision and dream was not a problem on the show. The only thing we needed to do was stop talking when it was time for a commercial break. Tune in to the radio show, Saturday, December 24, 11 am-12 for the Duane Holmdahl's "From the Vine to the Glass" and hear about the Wine Cottage Bistro.



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