Friday, June 08, 2007

Happy Place

Although I haven't blogged in quite some time now, know that my visits to the Wine Cottage Bistro have not diminished. In fact, I have been several times, often for lunch and dinner in the same day. We were visiting the central coast for a wedding on June 2nd. While heading up the 101 all I was able to think about was WINE. Well, that and cheese. My cousins have been saying for a couple months now, if you liked our old cheese plate, WAIT UNTIL YOU TRY THE NEW ONE. Needless to say, I was not disappointed. It is absolutely mouth watering. Its a perfect balance of strong and mild. The special on Monday was a Walu(fish) wrapped in ham served over a bed of a beet risotto. YUM. I told Chef Troy that he needs to add it to the menu as a regular dinner. I just can't even tell you how spectactular it was. I also tried something new, Peringa, a sparkling shiraz. The "wine mom" (my aunt) said its an experience, and let me tell you it was a complete and total experience. When its poured into the champagne glass the purplish bubbles just mesmorize your eyes. Than you take a sip and its all about the dancing and happiness of your tastebuds.

Enough about the food, I could go on and on.
Family from all over was up for the wedding; Monrovia, El Monte, Needles, Bakersfield and Mojave Valley Arizona. The Bistro was the HUB, if you will. A centralized location for us all to come visit and drink wine. We may have kept the Chef on his toes as we all filtered in and out at different times but at no point were we ever disappointed with the food or service. My family laughs because I call the Bistro my "Happy Place." Its a place where enjoyment abounds, love surrounds, and laughter ensues.

I hope to see you there one day, whether its on June 23rd with all the VW guys, or on July 14th watching Natalie Haskins strum her old guitar, I want you to have the same kind of Happy Place I do when Im at the Bistro.


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