Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Things are moving along quite nicely in Orcutt

Things are moving along quite nicely in Orcutt. The town has really stepped into the revitalization mode. As for The Wine Cottage, we are moving along too, just not as fast. The plans for the renovation are in the county building department. We should be seeing a first look at the plans in the next week or two. Until then we are moving along with our other plans, color selection, interior design, equipment purchase and all the other details that go into a new restaurant.
We will keep you posted when there is anything new to talk about. Until then, keeping drinking wine. The newest studies show that red wine contains a powerful antioxidant that actually treats cancer by preventing the cancer cells access to the bodies cells for food. It causes them to starve. So just one more reason why drinking wine is good for your health.


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